Applied Seismology Laboratory – People 2009
Prof. Kazuki Koketsu
to Japanese

<Staff · Collaborative Staff*>
Kazuki KoketsuProfessor ........................... profile1, profile2, Strong Motion Observation Office, etc.
Hiroe MiyakeAssistant Professor ........................... home page
John Anderson Visiting Professor ........................... from Nevada Seismological Lab., University of Nevada
Minoru SakaueTechnical Officer ........................... official profile
Motoko IshisePostdoctoral Fellow ...........................
Reiko TajimaPostdoctoral Fellow ........................... home page, JSPS Fellow for Young Scientists
Hadi GhasemiPostdoctoral Fellow ........................... JSPS Fellow for Foreign Researchers
Yoshimitsu Fukushima Research Fellow ........................... from Shimizu Institute of Technology, Shimizu Corp.
Tetsu Masuda Research Fellow ........................... from OYO Corporation
Akemi NodaResearch Fellow ........................... from Kozo Keikaku Engineering
Hongjun SiResearch Fellow ........................... from Kozo Keikaku Engineering
Satomi Kudo Technical Assistant ...........................
Mihoko Kawada Clerical Assistant ...........................
<Students & RA>
Sum Mak Graduate Student (DSc) ........................... MSc from Univ. Hong Kong
Natalia Poiata Graduate Student (DEng) ........................... MSc from Univ. Bucharest
Yusuke Yokota Graduate Student (MSc) ...........................
Takeaki Maruyama Graduate Student (MSc) ...........................
Masaru Tsukagoshi Graduate Student (MEng) ...........................
Ryosuke Sakakibara Graduate Student (MSc) ...........................
Kenji Toda Graduate Student (MEng) ...........................
Yasuyuki Kawazoe To be Graduate Student (MSc) ........................... Senior at Faculy of Science, University of Tokyo
Sunhe Yun To be Graduate Student (MSc) ........................... Senior at Faculy of Science, University of Tokyo

Dec. 26, 2009
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