“Ground Motion Seismology”

It has been published on December 28, 2018.
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Home Cover Preface Prof. Kanamori Errata Japanese

Preface (in Japanese)

(·····) This textbook aims to explain the physics behind seismic ground motions and seismic waves, to graduate and late undergraduate students, or professionals. Both seismic ground motions and seismic waves are terms for “shaking” due to earthquakes, but it can be common that shakings in the near-field of an earthquake source are called seismic ground motions, and those in the far-field are called seismic waves.

This textbook is entitled "Physics of Seismic Ground Motion" because it aims to explain equations and methods used for analysis and computation of shakings close to an earthquake source in detail. However, I also explained in detail about things related to teleseismic body waves which are frequently used in the analysis of earthquake source. Although there are several similar books in English, it is a feature of this textbook that not only equations and and methods are presented, but also they are explained so that readers themselves can derive them. In particular, seismic ground motion is often described by tensor formula based on the representation theorem, but in this textbook I emphasized explicit formulation beginning with Professor Love. That is based on my idea that they can make the physical images, especially the geometrical image of seismic ground motion easy to be captured.

Seismic ground motion is generated by an earthquake source, is then deformed by its propagation through a velocity structure, and reaches us. Therefore, the physics of seismic ground motion can be rephrased as quantitative evaluation by separating effect of source and effect of propagation from observed ground motion. So, in this book, I will explain the principle of this evaluation in Chapter 1, the effect of source in Chapter 2, and the effect of propagation in Chapter 3. In the last chapter 4 we will explain how to observe and process seismic ground motion. Since it is “physics”, we explain no empirical method, but the magnitude and seismic intensity by such methods are indispensable for seismic ground motion, so I explained them in the Appendix. Also, since "seismic ground motion" is a kind of waveform data, this did not include hypocenter determination and tomography, which are mainly based on travel time data.

I hope that this textbook will help readers study seismic ground motion, and that readers can feel the research of seimic ground motion will be a science based on the firm foundation of physics. Many parts of this textbook are based on lectures and exercises conducted at Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo, and Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University. Chapter 2 was written by applying extensive additions and revisions to Part 1, Chapter 1 of “Catalog of Earthquake Source Models in Japan” (to be published from University of Tokyo Press).

Terms and notations in this textbook are basically as follows according to “Seismology 3rd edition”.
Brian Kennett, Masanori Saito, Keiko Kuge, Hiroe Miyake, Satoko Murotani, Toshiaki Sato, Hiromitsu Nakamura, Rainer Kind, Ichiro Kawasaki, Kazuyoshi Kudo, Yasushi Ikegami, Yukitoshi Fukahata, Toshiaki Yokoi, and Hiroyuki Fujiwara kindly read the draft and gave valuable comments (in order of comment date). The questions of students who attended the lectures were also useful. In addition, Mr. Toru Koyama and Mr. Tetsuji Takayama of Kindai Kagaku gave me the opportunity of publication, and helped me very much for editing. I would like to thank all of them by noting those in this preface.
September 2018, in Yayoi, Tokyo
Kazuki Koketsu

Prof. Kanamori's comments (Jan. 25, 2019)

Dear Koketsu san:

Today, I received a copy of your book "Physics of Seismic Ground Motion".

It s a wonderful book, and must be a result of many hours of hard work.

These days, many of the basic theories and methods have been put in many handy software packages, and I often admire how many young seismologists handle complex analyses to produce nice results. However, very often the fundamental principles behind them are buried in a black box, and we are often asked questions on fundamentals. We thought that we studied them and understood them many years ago, but very often to our embarrassment, we also forgot about them.

This book will be very useful for rectifying this situation.

I like your idea of following the Love's book. Whenever I read it (only some chapters) I am impressed by the coverage and completeness of his treatment. The only problem is the notation, but I am glad that you did not follow Love's notation, only the philosophy and spirit.

Combining your book with some other excellent books on the subjects not covered by your book (e.g., Dr. Utsu's book (I do not have the 3rd edition)), a modern version of Richter's book (if any), and some treatments of "spherical geometry, i.e., normal mode") would be useful for training good seismologists. Of course, there is another branch of "structural" seismology.

Well, this is a good work, and congratulations.
Best regards, Hiroo Kanamori

List of Errata (as of July 4, 2019)

pagenumber, (equation) errorcorrectedreason
22(1.60), (1.61), (1.62) k'02, k'2 k'0, k'エネルギーの定義
28, 29(1.85), (1.87), (1.88), (1.89) +∫dτρ, +∫∫∫τ, ∫dτ, +∫dτ∫∫∫τij, +∫dτ∫∫∫σij, ∫∫τ, ∫∫σ –∫dτρ, –∫∫∫τ, –∫dτ, –∫dτ∫∫∫τij, –∫dτ∫∫∫σij, ∫dτ∫∫τ, ∫dτ∫∫σ 部分積分の符号, τ積分の欠落
42, 43(2.1), (2.2), (2.3) =∫∫∫τij, ∫dτ, dV+∫∫τij, dV+∫∫σij, τij∂ui, ∫∫∫ρgi =–∫∫∫τij, –∫dτ, dV+∫dτ∫∫τij, dV+∫dτ∫∫σij, σij∂ui, ∫dτ∫∫∫ρgi (1.87), (1.88), (1.89), 誤植
56, 57 (2.54)のUy2P, (2.55)のUz2P βα 誤植
82 下から2行auxiallyauxiliary 誤植
121 23)K.:, Ito H.:, Itô 読みガナ, 誤植
315 footnote示されいる示されている 誤植

Dec. 16, 2018
Jan. 30, 2019
Jun. 25, 2019
2651 (1) from Feb. 2, 2023